Sunday, April 25, 2010

End of Shoe Clips Giveaway

Hey everyone! I wanted to pop on real quick to officially announce the end of the Shoe Clips Giveaway. A huge thanks to all of you who participated!

Richard's grandpa surprised us with a family getaway to Zions National Park as a graduation present. We are headed out right now, so I will let the winner know who they are on Thursday, April 29th. Be sure to check your e-mails! Thanks again!

Also, thank you for all your kind congratulations for Richard. He said "awwwwww" when I showed him all your comments:).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

crazy week(s)

I wanted to thank you all for your kind comments and support as I figure out this whole blogging world. I also wanted to let you know I won't be on a lot for the next week. My hubby graduated today and has another ceremony tomorrow a.m. Family is in town, we are packing our life into a Uhaul this Saturday -- you get the picture. Lots of fun, but not much blogging time. So, don't think I'm ignoring you -- I love and truly appreciate all your kind comments. I'll be excited to get back on and see what you've all been up to.

Don't forget: only 2 more days of my GIVEAWAY

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maybe it's worth it

Shoe Clips GIVEAWAY ends April 24th

So a few weeks ago I had a slight outburst about the pains of being my own clothing model. Then last night I was looking back through my 2the9s picture folder and saw this pic.

I really like this pic. I like my "just pulled it back" hair. I like my natural smile. I like my bare feet. I like looking at it and trying to believe that I look like this most the time. Yeah, maybe those hours with the camera are worth it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, Springtime Inspiration

I love Sundays. I love getting to take a break from work, errands, etc and focus on church, family, and friends. Today, my sweet Richard took me on a walk to see all the new Spring blossoms that showed up this past week. We found this adorable cottage-style house that I just loved.

I really love when a look is done just right and that is exactly how this house was. Just the right color, just the right lace curtains in the windows and just the right flowers, trees, etc.

In front of the house was my favorite springtime tree. I still don't know the name of this tree, but I adore how big, elegant and breathtaking the blossoms are. So here's to a little Sunday inspiration. Hope you found something to inspire you today.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bye to Provo

(Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY, 1 week left)

I have been waiting to do this post until the news was "official", but its got to the point where waiting any longer just seems silly. My husband is graduating next week (whoot whoot!) and got an internship in Richland WA for the summer (the paper work is still processing -- hence the waiting). Which means 2the9s is officially relocating. Starting May 1st, I will be based out of my hometown, West Richland WA. What does this mean? It means my life is crazy right now:). Okay, seriously -- mostly it only makes things different for my local friends. If anyone in the Provo/Orem area (or Utah in general) wants to a custom order done on your own clothing items, please contact me by Monday to work out the details. Also, if anyone has been longing for one of my items in the Flower Basket Boutique, be sure to stop by and grab it up. I will be collecting all remaining items from them around April 27th. It really does feel crazy to be leaving Provo. I've lived the majority of the past nine years here -- first as a student myself then waiting for Richard to graduate. Wish us luck on starting our "grown-up" life!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fabric Options

As promised, here is a peak at the additional fabric choices for the lucky winner of my Shoe Clips GIVEAWAY

A classic taupe brocade with a green and golden damask-type print, paired with a golden-toned sheer.

A country-style floral print paired with a textured green upholstery fabric.

A nautical navy and white stripe sheer fabric paired with a white sheer or used on its own.

Since neon accents are so big this spring, I am dying to try this bright patterned silky fabric paired with a white sheer fabric. It could be such a great pop for an outfit!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shoe Clips Giveaway -- CLOSED

This giveaway is now closed -- keep watching for my next one

As promised: in honor of 2the9s six-month anniversary, I am doing my 1st giveaway! Up for grabs is a pair of my new shoe clips. The best part is: I am going to custom make a pair just for you. Pictured are examples of three fabric choices. I will post more possible fabric choices in a few days.

Giveaway will end midnight MST April 24

Entries should be in the form of a comment. Please create a separate comment for each of your entries. I will determine the winner by giving each entry/comment a number and using to select the winning number. Also, if you wish to make comments that are not an entry, please leave them on a separate post, so as not to interfere with my numbering. I'm sorry to my international friends but only US residents can enter. Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a deletion of your comment/entry.

Mandatory entry (one per person):

- Check out my etsy shop then tell me which of my items is your favorite and why. Please leave your email in your comment so I have a way to contact you if you win.

Bonus entries:

- Follow my blog through blogger.
- Add my blog on your blogroll.
- Post about this giveaway and leave me the link.
- Look through my blog then let me know how I can make it more interesting for you.